Saturday, June 03, 2006

linux for human beings

Any self confessed computer geek would probably know what it means! yep im talking about Ubuntu the newest wave in the linux ocean. for an absolute newbie like me, ubuntu tries to bridge the gap between microsoft's super duper piece of garbled code and the eternal os that is linux.

for a distro that is just 4 years old (?) its catching on pretty fast, and is ranked up there with fedora, suse and others that have been in the business for years now... but again, the amount of work the community has put in probably needs some returns. the main selling point being ease of use, ubuntu does try to come close to what it promises. being a light weight distro (taking up just one cd when the likes of fedora can only fit into a dvd) it packs the bare minimum packages and apps. so anyone hoping to fire up their music album right away will be treated to something that windows users are used to (yes, im talking about error messages :P)

needless to say, its still a pretty neat distro. and installing all the packages isnt einsteinian stuff. just a few commands with a package manager, and you should be on your way!!

p.s : hoping to write a detailed review/how-to in the near future. if someone visits this place that is ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ubuntu is great and Dapper Drake makes it even better!

I upgraded to Dapper and was pleasantly surprised to find that my system is much more responsive than with Breezy. Firefox seems especially snappier. I really like the new GNOME deskbar applet too.